Aerial view of a city streetscape.

Federal & Municipal

Our accessibility specialists work with federal, state, and local governments to help give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from and participate in all their programs, services, and activities.


We will serve as your strategic partners in delivering equitable solutions for physical access and offering cost-effective recommendations for barrier removal and accessibility improvements.

  • Investigation of the Federal and Local Regulations, Codes, Standards, and Policies
  • Development or Review of Government Entity’s Accessibility Design Guidelines
  • ADA Title II Transition Plans – State and Local Institutions
  • ADA Compliance Plans
  • Facility Assessments/Audits
  • Exterior Route Assessments/Audit
  • Public-Right-of-Way Compliance Assessment/Audit
  • ADA Compliance Peer Reviews – Plan and Construction
  • Program Accessibility Evaluation
  • Legal Support for ADA Complaints and Settlements
  • Architectural Support
  • ADA Accessibility Training
  • Universal/Inclusive Design Consulting

We offer subject matter expert, testifying expert, neutral third-party, and Independent Licensed Architect services, guiding clients through litigation or consent decree agreements. Our ADA specialists are able to support in the following areas:

  • Assessment and Analysis of Alleged Barriers
  • Joint Inspections with Plaintiff and Defendant
  • Investigation of the Federal and Local Regulations, Codes, Standards, and Policies
  • Program Accessibility Evaluation
  • Interior and Exterior Route Assessment
  • Grievance Policy Review
  • Policy Physical Access Evaluation (i.e. Service Animals, Valet Parking)
  • ADA Compliance Plans
  • Settlement Agreements

Our technical assistance and design guidance clarify gray issues in accessibility regulations in delivering new construction and renovation projects that provide equitable physical access.

As part of the design team, we provide:

  • ADA Compliance Peer Reviews – Plan and Construction
  • Accessibility Remediation Design Services
  • ADA Accessibility Training
  • Universal/Inclusive Design Consulting

Our architecture and accessibility services naturally lend themselves to an inclusive design specialty. We can design and/or consult on strategies that integrate the Principles of Universal Design. The process explores innovative solutions that consider the diversity of physical human abilities. We offer guidance on exceeding the minimum accessibility standards with design solutions that lead to universally usable environments.

  • Development of Design Guidelines
  • Design Consulting
  • Zero-curb Analysis & Recommendations

Select Clients

City and County of Denver
City of Chicago
City of Lake Forest

City of Milwaukee

City of Sioux Falls
Fulton County
Glynn County
Harris County

Prince William County
Spartanburg County
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
Washington City

Facts & Figures

0 k

sites surveyed


cities and counties


ADA complaints and settlements where we provided support


Correction Facilities



Law Enforcement

Military Installations

Polling Places

Parks & Recreation

Public Schools

Public Right of Way

Public Transit



A room full of people listening to a presenter.

Accessibility Training Program

Our training curriculum teaches how to perform surveys and assessments through classroom training, field instruction, webinars, or the production of videos and guideline standards.

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Headshot of Doug Anderson

Doug Anderson


Headshot of Kate Susmilch

Kate Susmilch

Associate Principal

Headshot of Elizabeth Zaverdas

Elizabeth Zaverdas

Senior Associate

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