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ANSI A117.1 Standards Update

Updates to the ANSI A117.1 Standards further establish technical criteria for accessible and usable buildings for people with disabilities.

While the 2018 International Building Code did not adopt the ANSI A117.1 Standards -2017 update, some building codes have incorporated the revised Standard.

By coordinating standards developed by the government and other entities, ANSI provides guidelines that are generally accepted in multiple industries. As a member of the ANSI Accessibility Committee, LCM Architects Partner Douglas Anderson participated in the recent A117.1 revision process.

The revisions consider new research on enlarged wheelchair and scooter footprints and wheeled mobility devices. The U.S. Access Board funded the research, and the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access conducted it. Technical data suggested increased sizes for clear floor space, maneuvering clearances, and turning spaces.

The enhanced sizes only apply to new buildings and facilities. Existing buildings and facilities must comply with dimensions from previous versions of the ANSI A117.1 standards.

Other notable changes in the 2017 ANSI A117.1 include standards relating to:

  • New curb cut designs.
  • On-street parking designs.
  • Electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Accessible windows.
  • Bottle filling stations.
  • Visual relay service booths.
  • Sign language interpreter stations.
  • Classroom acoustics.
  • Gaming machines.
  • Dwelling and sleeping units.

The ANSI A117.1 Standards -2017 update continues to strive for coordination with other federal accessibility regulations. These include the Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines, the ADA 2010 Standards for Accessible Design, and the Architectural Barriers Act.